From the observation analysis of our data combining with different literature review we have found that groundwater system in the study area consists of two aquifers, separated by a clay layer or an aquitard. They are all of Quaternary age. The upper aquifer, the unconfined one, has a thickness that varies between 6 and 50 m and consists of fine to medium sands. A local Unconfined aquifer of coral reef limestone is present along the coastal strip. The semi confined aquifer consists of medium to coarse sand with varying clay content. The thickness was estimated at 100 m. The lower boundary of the groundwater reservoir is formed by the Mio-Pliocene aquitard. It consists mainly of clay-bound sands and has a thickness of about
800 m. This Mio-Pliocene aquitard in fact corresponds with the Kimbiji aquifer (Neogene
aquifer). In the study area it can be considered as an aquitard because of its clayey top.
The groundwater flow was determined by means of groundwater level measurements in
visited wells. The flow is orientated towards to Indian Ocean for the unconfined and the semi confined aquifer.
Several problems were discovered in the study area regarding ground water status. Daily activity of people is exerting pressure on the quality and the quantity of the groundwater. For the moment the aquifer is overexploited, and still every day new wells are constructed. It is
However very difficult to get the exact number of wells in Dar Es Salaam, since a large part of the wells is built without knowledge of the government. Therefore it is also not evident to
make an accurate estimation of the amount of water extracted from the reservoir. It is important that the authorities control to a larger extent the number of wells and amount of
water pumped. This would lead to more accurate data and more valuable conclusions.
The quality of water also has its problems. One is related to the overexploitation of the aquifers. Seawater will intrude in the aquifer in the areas close to the ocean when too much water is withdrawn. Salt water is not good for the vegetation and crops as well as for drinking.
Another problem is the contamination of the groundwater with industrial chemicals all related to sewage water releases. The solution for this problem is an improvement and extension of the present sewage system since they are not enough and properly arranged. The improvement of sewage system will prevent contamination of chemicals into the groundwater hence water pollution will be minimized.
Amrani crawled the yumba and dropped a dramatic play on the bowl. The next was something to give Amrani injuries. Unfortunately he broke his hand.
The man who hit him was a civilized man. He pledged him and drove him to the hospital. The Magomeni hospital area.Hospital is the hospital in which he was buried by his sister Nasma.
Na Nasma is under the supervision of the head of the OC-CID criminal chief. He has a three-dimensional archbishop. In addition, Amrani is criticized by the guards for two or three counts. Even though he was imprisoned in the assault and escaped. He also struck the Muhimbili doctor and he was there. When he dies he is a murderer ....
Now what will you follow? Do not forget to miss this fire .......
Thanksgiving was well received and all the procedures were completed. The treatment began officially. He also had a thorough investigation to see if there were other parts that were injured. There was no other part of the hand.
Also the streets of the ribs felt very painful. But it did not mean that his ribs were broken. He was given specialized tablets to reduce and completely alleviate pain.
In the wardrobe of women's injuries. We see her beautiful Nasma as she progresses well. Knowledge has turned her back into her normal situation. Oc-CID is given a rush to go to him.
The head of the criminal investigator is very happy. Nasma is surrounded by pio pio's entire head defect.
At that time Nasma was trying to point out the events that took place overnight and how he won from the day. He surely believed that was a very bad day. He believed in 2013 worn out and welcomed it in 2014 very badly.
She thought how she had been married to her husband on the morning of 31 when she was lying in bed when it was not normal. She even thought she was hesitant to look for the day without success. She thought it until the night when she found him on the phone.
Nasma recalled until the last words she spoke to her husband Hoodu. She recalled her husband's words. She agreed with her back home to get rid of the difference. And she was eagerly awaiting her.
Nasma criticized the incident of the car coming out and screaming. And in a hurry he opened the door as such a guard. He encountered a car that he did not know at all. Then he drove himself out. Then he was detained in the same manner.
Nasma thought until he was sent to Elder Edga. He remembered the fate of old Edga. The old man was kissing. Although he believed that the old man was soaked up to embrace his penis. But he was not very well-known to know that he was married to his girlfriend or lazy.
Nasma greatly appreciated the support given by the Soldier. He meditated so much on how they returned home. They found no car at all. He knew his husband would be back home and miss him. So Hoodu has been very angry.
But what's more surprising. Why is that house broken by the fence and its gear?
Before he has got the answer he heard someone was waiting for him.
"Your news Nasma."
"Well let's go." Nasma replied after watching the man. He was happy to see him the soldier who had saved him from Edga's hand.
"Very sorry for the problems." They look at the situation. "The Soldier asked for a smile.
"Very happy. I thank you very much for the blessings. God bless you for your goodness." Nasma did not have much to smile and then thank the soldier.
"Nasma.You do not care. This is my job and this is my responsibility. I will make sure I partner with you shoulder to shoulder.
The conversation went on. At the same time the CID pleaded. He said he had let his young men guard him from worrying. Nasma agreed. And after the soldier left. Nasma fell into a deep sleep.
This side of the three Males was not a thing. You can not believe those things .Hoodu was not completely bloodthirsty. Anyone would get rid of the soul for anemia. And here his guard was killed by anonymous people.
"Do the professional really escape otherwise we will be killed this year?"
"What do you think you are all about to do?" You are here if you think you are going to be true? "All the guys will look for us for the killers." Let's look at Hood's life first. with his assistant mentor. He told him that the dead as escaping would say he was a murderer.
They consulted with each other and found the answer to find out Edina Edina. Edina was a specialist doctor
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