This is so amazing. He is a thief

It has been confirmed that the husband of diamonds mom is a thief.
As they have got married this week and claimed to have the hineymoon in South Africa thats all a lie.
Diamond's mother and his husband escaped the police arrest warrant and used that honeymoon issue as a justification of their escaping.
He is accused of taking loans in banks in an illegal manner.


Today is the day we are going to see the most important thing in ensuring the success of your life .... You know it's too easy to reach the climax but it's a great challenge to stay on top ...

We have seen in the lives of so many people who could reach the climax of the success they were looking for but we also saw the end of many days when they lost their ability to pass on information and never to wake up.

You must understand one thing that "Anything that can not be cultivated can never grow". Performing a feasibility of something so always the expected results should always be maintained ...

So with your goal if you can not keep it then it's got to be a little bit faded or completely damaged.

1 # Care is very involved with management ....

If you fail to be the manager of your purpose then give the result it's a very difficult one .... You must realize that you were created with a completely free purpose but your purpose is your personal responsibility.

NO ONE will draw a shirt and remind you of anything but you are the sole guardian of your purpose .....

A person who will learn the right purpose for the MT will make a dramatic change in his community ....

What feeds many people is not just a dare but a dare and a careless ...

Wait to give you my story one ...

About 8 years ago God told me that my purpose is to tell my mother and I are here to open the eyes of the blind, to release those in prison and to throw them out of darkness in the house of arrest and to give me a thorough detail about what and the sphere of influence should I have to consider in my purpose

But I found myself wanting to do so many things at the same time ... At the end of the day I was told and failed to accomplish one goal because I forgot that what I was told I had to speak well so that it could grow ... Wise people say "two stripes are broken" that I was .

One day my mentor named Timothy Kyara was shocked that I lost the direction .... So he called me one hotel called a bowl and it was really a very difficult time because he gave me complicated tablets to swallow .... And he started asking me difficult questions that would take me to the management section

have one thing (vital few) and not much to keep in mind.

You can not care for hundreds of items at the same time ... Even though your goal is too big for all co-operatives and what I mean I've told you it's important to know the season (s) of your purpose at the time and start the right time ...

2 # Care is involved in setting something in the working environment, quality and giving the result as required ... For the failure to keep something that you mean is the thing that begins to lose the whole goal of bearing fruit and what is happening begins to live below. .. Have a purpose LA to come to the world that you can not keep is the same as having a seat that you have never eaten everyday but looking at ...

Your purpose requires care to provide the required results.

3 # Management to provide the correct use of hygiene around (resources)

You know one interesting thing is that in every purpose there are alternative sources that are for the purpose so that they can be used at the level and the required result ....

There are so many resources (resources) that surround us but not every resource is right for your purpose ....

With a knowledge of management it gives you the knowledge and use of the appropriate resources and accurately.

In order for your purpose to have the desired results you must know where the resources are given ... There are the following questions you need to know in order to improve the resources.

1) What resources (resources) are available for my purpose?

2) How many resources (s) are there?

3) What do I have in the summer (season) of my purpose?

4) What resources (s) are suitable for the summer I am?

Sasa tunaenda kujifunza 

Sulfur bites, If you squeeze it once a brimstone you will not be able to dry it up again

Life is like balm of sulfur is given to dry the right place immediately. Every one of the sticks you can not burn can not be restored again.

There are people who have spent nearly 3 quarters of the number of sulfur beans by washing them out properly, and still keep on burning Unsubscribe.

There are only two sticks and still do not hesitate to find the correct parts of the sticks.

There you will try to refresh the chairs again and find it's too late. They can not be used again, For you have used them to turn it off. They have been used.

I do not know how much you have left, search for your right place to use those sticks well my brother.

The Chiefs as the Title express itself, I have provided this special testimony to the Liberians to meet here and consider what factors to consider to overcome this problem.

What challenge do you face, and what shame did you find from your camel? I started to explain briefly.

There was a daughter in the street I was very curious, and I used a lot of techniques to find it but it's still unusual. Now there was a daughter when I heard that I was able to go to the university so she saw the time when we started to share the Loan, and she began looking for me to get home Mother and unfortunately she found me and she began to realize that she was thinking of me so she is ready to have me in life but do not miss her because she really loves me. I saw what god gave me again Deadbody meant that that's what has brought him.

We continued with our love until the day of breaking the Holy Fruit. We will not forget the day of this event!

I was so frustrated when I gave a machine for work and a sudden girl stood up in surprise and started to laugh


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