Part 15
When he died ....... the teacher left and went to the registered registrar and signed another and then removed the names of the people he needed and the old one broke and threw himself into the buses and climbed.
In late evening the fatma was at the door of salut as he promised to knock and the door was opened there came out a little mother with a hook around her chest
Furious angry screaming did not ask this or the worm to wear the mother of men and the knives as well as to scratch the rage of the woman who did not understand and did not really fit the war.
*********** LIKE IT ***********
it was an unprecedented battle because the fat was completely frustrated and he did not want to understand anything impossible to be inside his girlfriend again with one cord in his chest angry and overturned the worst attacks on the mother who began to beat herself and cause people to fill the area and that was the help of her after the people who came there to stop the frustrated fat was not a task to stop him
"Leave me alone and let me show you this harlot aarggghhhhh"
The fury fell in his anger but his words did not make the people hold fast to him
"The frustrated young man came to me and hit the door and went to open and I was surprised to attack me and started to beat me"
The mother spoke long and the people understood her
"you have a prostitute to work for the men of the world to stop walking with the children even to shame, let's not first let the deputy and the salute in there show her foolishness"
The fatal shock was dropped and the tears dropped away he surely felt confused and the mother got to know what the source was.
"the one you ask my son has moved with me here is an alien tenant along with my children"
The boyfriend was unable to speak anyway when he came out and entered his eyes to meet other evidence the children were lying in bed while the room environment was so weak that he found himself sitting down with the tears overjoyed to be released a great cry out of the crowd leaving him watching him not knowing how to help him
"Hello, where is my boyfriend, what's wrong with you, and I know that you're just a surprise to me as a gift just to take me"
The gossip found himself crazy and was so moved and then he lifted up his tears and apologized for the woman and he did not have any pity for him and asked him to have the first question before making a decision.
The tailor left and left the house and took the head off the bottom of the imagination
"this is possible salutation has escaped ??"
"no one can do so he loves me so much and he will come just to take my husband"
One person in two competing souls said he had been attracted to another, giving him a feeling that he was not circumcised.
John's mind was so sharp and at the end of his mind he lifted up his phone and then clicked on and hit and then the other speakers took his phone and settled there
After a little while the door was locked up and dropped and opened
"almost a shemor close"
"where is my cousin where I am?"
A friend who is actively involved in clinics asked when she watched John who did not answer anything more than a lara when he slept
"or is she lying in bed?"
asked the doctor who was witnessing
"I gave her sleep diagrams after she saw him so bad I called you here and I should do all the tests in her body and do not hide anything from me"
John spoke with emphasis on his eyes as he was on the parade
"Just like my shemor careless and ask me to wait out and work"
The doctor also answered as he opened his big bag and started delivering modern equipment
"I will not stay here because she is my wife I can not go anywhere"
John's position imposed a lack of speech speech and ended up giving up his material and moving to the bed and uncovered a covered cloth and began to give him clothes and only a few clothes,
The tests began from the head while John was careful with every step
The medicine continued until she reached the abdomen and every reaction she received wrote on her paper she had
when he arrived at the same time he began testing with such modern equipment and suddenly the shock became alarmed and screamed and grabbed the screaming sound of the alarm and wrote unfamiliar words to John except for the medicine
John had to be more careful and then he felt something though he did not know what was real
"what's the shemeji?"
he asked John for the desire to know and to shake the doctor in astonishment
"Let's just say a little bit is just a little problem" he answered by questioning John and saw clearly the lie
"tell me the truth please remember I am his side that I can help no one else"
with tears hanging on her words of bitterness evacuated
"I do not have my shemorrhage just because the temperature has risen downside this problem is due to overcrowding for a long time"
The doctor responded with mildness and conviction and persuaded John.

John's mind was so sharp and at the end of his mind he lifted up his phone and then clicked on and hit and then the other speakers took his phone and settled there

After a little while the door was locked up and dropped and opened

"almost a shemor close"

"where is my cousin where I am?"

A friend who is actively involved in clinics asked when she watched John who did not answer anything more than a lara when he slept

"or is she lying in bed?"

asked the doctor who was witnessing

"I gave her sleep diagrams after she saw him so bad I called you here and I should do all the tests in her body and do not hide anything from me"

John spoke with emphasis on his eyes as he was on the parade

"Just like my shemor careless and ask me to wait out and work"

The doctor also answered as he opened his big bag and started delivering modern equipment

"I will not stay here because she is my wife I can not go anywhere"

John's position imposed a lack of speech speech and ended up giving up his material and moving to the bed and uncovered a covered cloth and began to give him clothes and only a few clothes,

The tests began from the head while John was careful with every step

The medicine continued until she reached the abdomen and every reaction she received wrote on her paper she had

when he arrived at the same time he began testing with such modern equipment and suddenly the shock became alarmed and screamed and grabbed the screaming sound of the alarm and wrote unfamiliar words to John except for the medicine

John had to be more careful and then he felt something though he did not know what was real

"what's the shemeji?"

he asked John for the desire to know and to shake the doctor in astonishment

"Let's just say a little bit is just a little problem" he answered by questioning John and saw clearly the lie

"tell me the truth please remember I am his side that I can help no one else"

with tears hanging on her words of bitterness evacuated

"I do not have my shemorrhage just because the temperature has risen downside this problem is due to overcrowding for a long time"

The doctor also answered mildly and assuredly convinced John to be calm and satisfied with the answer.

"How are we going to help him now"?

he asked the chickens to wear out

"do not worry she will be right when she gets up and this tablets will give her awake to wake up"

The medicine picked up the same tablets and squeezed out and left

as she left her mind she thought about what she saw on her accessories she liked for larvae

"mmhhh laura has been so dirty that the German has done dirt up to non-polluted parts and men's yaid of one mmhhh bigger"

The brain was analyzing the things faster and finally found himself smiling a smile of victory

"my time has come to do something that John must have in my hands and I can enjoy the pleasures of the world"

The greed of greed does not go far away from him and dominates him.


Silent light inside even the sound of the breath did not blame not a week but not a suzy or her mother who was speaking all remained in the eye

The suzy mother sees that she exercises her mother's position properly

"You personally blend your feet up and get you home quickly" by bothering me

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