Till death do us apart
Last evening I received an invitation to my friend, who is also a captain of the Air Transport Station at six Homes.
After arriving at his home in Kitunda, he humiliated me and had to give me my phone number.
What do I want to know what he wants?
Without hesitation, she told me that she was selling her home in the Kivu area to share with her wife !!
I was so scared, more than I was crazy .....!
I asked him if you lived together for a Christian legitimate marriage?
He answered me "We have separated since November!"
This answer gave me a momentous dizziness, which is more shocking and astonished at the moment when I got dizziness.
At first I felt maybe a pianist and that alcohol was already starting to make her brain changes (for these poor people did not scrutinize to make fun sunglasses) but she insisted that she does not care or is a joke but is seriously !!
I wanted to know how to get to the point of separation (while I felt maybe his wife's unbelief, she was a holiday in the village because her wife was a secondary school teacher).
He started to tell me now.
That, in early October 2017, he received a job part time with the Knight Support Security For military intelligence plans and promised to give him Tsh 6M as a reward for the job, and Tsh 250,000 for travel allowances from place to place, food and vouchers.
After the treaty, he advised his wife as part of her duty to realize that she would be reluctant to return home because she left work, she would go to KSS HQ and several locations according to the need for work.
He told me that 3 days before he finished working he stayed with his wife to plan how to use it for their family development (they have three children).
So sir, in the debate, his wife wants to open a great beauty salon with the sale of cosmetics, clothes, shoes, and shoes.
OUR COMPANY to argue that the business is very complex and it does not have immediate advantage, it is best to add apartments to their other home (this wants to sell now) and then increase the number of tenants.
They had to agree to disagree with each other leaving his anger.
On the day he was given his pay, he advised his wife to know that she would return with her 6M papers.
After leaving the KSS when he was awarded the papers, he did not need to be afraid because of his military professionalism.
He put them on a small backpack and then climbed his car and left.
While she was on the way, her sister called her to Kinyerezi, and she saw just gone.
In the case of her sister, when they talk they were drinking alcoholic beverages (her sister owns pub in front of her house and her husband), when she came at 4pm in the night, she felt she started drinking, she called her sister inside and kissed her that she had 6M and she asked to stay with her even if it happens to be on the way along the way, let the money be safe there for him.
She gave all the money and handed her over to her sister, but the bag left her.
When he got home he found his wife illiterate and he was old, he did not care. He went into the bedroom and slept with the bag that had previously left the 6Ms left behind by his sister, in the car.
Soon his wife went into the room and started to give her more drink until she was drunk but not so much that her wife suspected that her baby was injured (two others read primary boarding) that she would go to bed with her. He answered the levion "OK" but later a little surprised, since when was the same procedure for sleeping with a baby started and occasionally bruised but it was not?
He ignored and decided to sleep.
He should tell me that at about 8 o'clock in the night he felt there were people or things he was talking about in the bedroom (insisting that military feelings hurt him).
He pulled it around his bastora and pulled out a magazine so that he could not hurt someone but use it as a threat to the one who was to come in. Then she fell behind the door.
Gafla entered the 4-year-old swords with swords, and he suddenly opened the lights and put them on the bastora that had no shot.
But it was not what he expected, the youngsters attacked him and started to scourge him while he was protesting his hands so that he could not injure his head and face, he says after about 15 minutes with a great shock of some of the items falling, he was forced to control two (claiming to beat him back neck and loss of consciousness) except two run away.
He hurriedly called for a call to hospital. The car came with several soldiers in the MP and began to investigate the original and then leave with the two young men who had not yet lost consciousness until that time.
He says, the most remarkable thing is that his wife did not stumble from sleep and did not give any help when there was a big shock after his fellow soldiers came to him (he lives in his own home).
Last week 1 was given a report that his wife was the master planner and the engineer of the same program
He told him not to be shocked or surprised but linked events to the day and the situation he found with his wife, how he "ran to sleep together" and his act of adding more beer when his wife would not like to drink too much alcohol.
He pleaded guilty to the case of the family (although his chiefs had embraced him but later embraced him and dumped that the young men were bodaboda runners there in Kitunda and were promised to pay Tsh 1M for a job which meant that they could share 250,000 each).
He told me after he was accepted, and then he warned his wife that the marriage had died as she had lent the young men to kill her and then to pay her money that she did not return but had told her sister because she had just started drinking
He said he wanted to sell the house and then all the money to give him the lady because she knew she was financially unmarried and not married.
I have thought so much about this thing and see today telling them so that we can at least get a picture how the spirit of despair can enter even for couples so much to want one to earn money
I want the blessings of the Lord as we meditate on this shared story that found this friend who would not have been a soldier, would have been asleep in his wife's desires
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